Thursday, 12 October 2017

Linux Guide to Using Odoo 10 and 11 on PyCharm

To the Odoo developers out there, i know some of you already have your editors, you use to develop your modules, which is perfectly okay, but for those who are thinking of using PyCharm to develop modules. I will walk you through how to set PyCharm up for easy development.

If you don't know PyCharm, you should probably check this out their website and how to install pycharm. It's a very cool editor i use for development both for Odoo and Django.

Enough of the talk...Let me walk you through the process of setting up Odoo after installing Pycharm

Step 1: Install Odoo Dependencies 

To install odoo dependencies on any linux machine, ubuntu especially. 

You need to follow some process, this process is applicable to any version of Odoo you want to use later on.

Check out this to install the necessary dependencies you need to keep Odoo working.

Once these dependencies are installed, then you can proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Download Odoo

Download Odoo 10 or 11 from her repository, make sure you select the right branch after that unzip the file.

Step 3: Launch PyCharm and Open the Odoo folder

Once you launch PyCharm, make sure you open the version of Odoo you downloaded. Take note of the location where you unzipped the Odoo version and what you should be seeing must be similar to this.

Step 4: Run the Odoo Server

To run the Odoo server, navigate to the python file called odoo-bin, right click on the file and select "Run odoo-bin" or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+F10.

Now your server should be running after the command

Navigate to your favorite browser, use http://localhost:8069/ to load up your odoo version.

Note this is also applicable to Odoo version 11, so you have no problem using Odoo 11 on your machine.


I hope you found this resourceful, kindly drop your reactions on the comment box and feel free to share across.


  1. Well described post. Thanks for sharing this useful information for Linux Guide to Using Odoo 10 and 11 on PyCharm . As always awesome content, I love reading your articles, much appreciated!
    odoo development
